Customer Testimonials

They are always so pleasant know what they are doing love u guys everything is Great excellent excellent experience

Rachael B


If you need a second chance with auto finance and you have bad credit then jay w. at Shantok motors is the guy to see. Jay w made purchasing my vehicle extremely comfortable.

Dorothea K


Shantok motors is great dealership Jay W sale rep was great with me and accommodating to all my needs for my 2nd car

Robert T


Anthony was very professional, nice, extremely easy to deal with, and answered every question with a smile. He multitasked with ease.

Jennifer L


The best experience I've had buying a car. They were amazing

Starsha G


Great people looking to help others. Recommend

Felix E


I highly recommend there Service. They're very helpful and will help you in Anything they Can. They're Great. Shantok thank ya so much !!

Edwin R


I recommend this dealership. Cars are really affordable. The owner is patient and answered all my questions. I’ll definitely come back and send more costumers.

Sherley H


The experience of purchasing was fast & smooth. Anthony was very pleasant & worked with us to get the car situated. He’s the best sales man I’ve encountered yet.

Ronsy P